HomeBlogA Beautiful New Set of Teeth with Dental Implants!

Elgin dentist, Dr. Lodding, and our team at Smile for Life Dental finds there isn’t a more ideal way to replace missing teeth than with the use of dental implants. Many find that replacing their missing teeth is important for aesthetic reasons, and may turn to other alternatives, such as dentures or bridges. While these replacement options can do wonders for your appearance, they don’t necessarily pose any benefits to the health of your mouth or overall well-being. Primarily, when it comes to finding a tooth-replacement option that supports both aesthetics and functionality, dental implants are typically a better option over dentures.

Of course, many who have missing teeth wear dentures. However, many people who wear dentures are unsatisfied with them. Dentures do not fully support the structure of the jawbone, which means that both bone and gum tissue may deteriorate over time. This can lead to loose-fitting dentures that may “click” or cause slurred speech when speaking, or even sores or pain in the mouth. What’s more, as the jawbone and gum tissue deteriorate, the appearance of your facial features may begin to look sunken in, causing a person to look much older than they really are.

Dental implants offer a sturdy foundation and support of the jawbone. Ultimately, the deterioration of the bone structure is halted once the implants are in place. What’s more, because the implants are fixed directly into the jawbone, they offer a complete function that mimics the natural tooth and tooth root. Because of this, you won’t experience the trouble mentioned with dentures. With dental implants by Elgin dentist, Dr. Lodding, you can speak, eat, and look as natural as you did with your original teeth.

Dental implants aren’t suited for everyone. To find out if the best solution for you might be dentures or dental implants, an Elgin dentist can help you make the decision. Dr. Lodding comes highly skilled and recommended when it comes to replacing missing teeth with dental implants in the Elgin area. Contact Smile for Life Dental for your consultation!

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