ZOOM!® Teeth Whitening

HomeDental ServicesCosmetic SolutionsZOOM!® Teeth Whitening

Get your prized bright, white smile in one easy visit to our office. Unlike over-the-counter bleaching products, ZOOM!® teeth whitening is supervised by our dentist for noticeable results and minimal sensitivity.

Experience the difference of professional tooth whitening. Over-the-counter products are less reliable than Dr. Dean Lodding’s proven dental expertise, which can safely provide whitening solutions that will work for your smile. Why wait? Discover your teeth whitening experience – come in soon for your teeth whitening solution!

Explore These Topics

What Are The Benefits Of Teeth Whitening?

Professional teeth whitening is an incredibly popular choice at our office. Even if you have a thorough and frequent dental hygiene routine complete with brushing, flossing, and regular check-ups, your teeth can still suffer from discoloration. Teeth whitening treatments at our practice can address the appearance of stains that are often formed by the natural aging process, consuming certain tooth-staining beverages like wine or coffee, or the use of tobacco products.

A teeth whitening treatment can:

  • Remove stains from the outer layer of your teeth
  • Penetrate your enamel where most of the discoloration lies
  • Produce more noticeable and effective results compared to drugstore products

These treatments use advanced technology to significantly lighten the shade of your teeth. Each procedure is designed to be safe and to provide long-lasting results. Whitening treatments from our Elgin cosmetic dentist, Dean Lodding, DDS, can enhance the appearance of your smile by brightening your teeth for a whiter, more refreshed look.

How Is A ZOOM!® Teeth Whitening Procedure Performed?

During this appointment, either Dr. Lodding or one of our experienced dental team members will apply the professional-grade ZOOM!® whitening gel to your teeth after isolating your lips and gums. This bleaching gel can effectively penetrate deep layers of stains on your enamel. Then, a specially designed light activates this gel. All you need to do is lay back and relax as your smile is lightened.

This process typically takes one hour from start to finish and can brighten your teeth by several shades. We will send you home with a touch-up whitening gel to complete your ZOOM!® Teeth Whitening process. We also recommend scheduling a check-up appointment so we can determine if you would benefit from another session.

Professional VS. Over-The-Counter Teeth Whitening

Purchasing a teeth whitening kit from the local convenience store may be your first thought when you notice your teeth beginning to yellow or stain. However, we strongly advise against this option for multiple reasons. Many products such as toothpastes, gels, mouthwashes, and teeth whitening strips make bold claims of their capabilities to effectively whiten your teeth. Oftentimes, the stains or discolorations on your teeth are too deep for these products to be successful.

It is likely that the products, apart from whitening strips, do not contain bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. If the teeth whitening strips do have these ingredients, their effectiveness may be limited due to short shelf-life or improper application of the strips.

When you decide to have your treatment done professionally, you can receive top results and high-quality care. Dr. Lodding or one of our other experienced dentists will oversee the entire procedure for the best possible outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Teeth Whitening

“Dr. Lodding and his team are the best! You can tell they truly care and want you to have the best experience!”
- April W.

If you have further questions about our teeth whitening procedure, or if you would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us today.

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