HomeBlogHow Many Dental Implants Will I Need for My Implant Denture?

An implant denture essentially offers patients a hybrid version of dental implants and custom dentures, reaping the benefits of both of these advanced treatments to provide exemplary missing teeth replacement results. Implant dentures do not require a dental implant for each missing tooth; instead, only a select number of implants will be necessary, and these implants will work to provide a stable and secure basis of support for the custom denture that will be placed on top of them.

The number of implants that is best for each patient’s needs will ultimately depend on jawbone density, the number of teeth being replaced, the area of the mouth where the teeth are missing, and other factors. With that in mind, adequate stabilization of an implant denture can often be achieved with two to four dental implants. Some patients may need more implants to provide the best fit and the strongest foundation. If you are receiving a partial denture, these appliances typically need only a very small number of implants. Complete dentures that are replacing an entire row of teeth on the upper and/or lower dental arch will likely need more implants for adequate stabilization. In these cases, patients may be good candidates for an All-On-4® or All-On-6 procedure, which is a special implant denture technique that utilizes only four or six implants on each dental arch to provide a solid foundation of support for the custom denture.

Our dentist will provide a comprehensive oral evaluation during your initial consultation and talk with you about your needs and goals. Once a series of x-rays has been taken and you are determined to be a good candidate for implant dentures, he can give you a clear idea as to how many dental implants will be necessary to create the most optimal results.

If you would like more information on implant dentures and how you can replace missing teeth with outcomes that look and feel natural, please contact Smile for Life Dental today!

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