HomeBlogForks over knives: adopt a diet that supports heart health and more

Dr. Dean Lodding, and Stephanie Lodding, RDH are proud to offer dentistry in Elgin that follows the philosophy of leading physicians at the American Association of Oral Systemic Health (AAOSH). Dr. Lodding parters with AAOSH, where dentists and health professionals educate the public of the connection between the health of the mouth and body, also referred to as the oral-systemic link.

One of those physicians your Elgin dentistry provider works closely with is Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, author of Prevent and Reduce Heart Disease and featured in the documentary Forks Over Knives. Dr. Esselstyn proved through a 20-year nutritional study that heart disease can be cured, even reversed, by adapting to a plant-based, oil-free diet. The Cleveland Doctor proves his theory with his results. Five patients with severe coronary artery disease were told they only had less than a year to live. They participated in Dr. Esselstyn’s program. Within months, their cholesterol levels dropped and their blood flow increase dramatically, and were able to live free of heart disease.

Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. Dr. Esselstyn explains that it’s the oils in our western food that causes the blockage in the arteries. Dr. Esselstyn’s discovery with heart disease is also part of the oral systemic link. The oil in food not only destroys our blood vessels, but it also causes plaque in our mouths resulting in gum disease. Following Dr. Esselstyn’s plant-based diet will help with heart disease and keep your mouth healthy. Dr. Lodding wants you to have a healthy life with a healthy smile, and if you want to learn more about the oral systemic link or managing a healthy diet, please call Smile For Life Dental!

To learn more about Dr. Esselstyn and his role in Forks Over Knives and his book, click on the following link:

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