Dental Implants

HomeDental Implants

Can a Damaged Tooth Be Saved?

In the world of dental health, a damaged tooth doesn’t always spell doom for your smile. Advances in dental care have paved the way for numerous procedures that can save a compromised tooth—or, in the case that a tooth cannot be saved, replace it. Whether your teeth have been damaged due to decay, injury, or wear and tear, understanding your… Continue Reading

Elgin dentist Dr. Dean Lodding discusses what causes implants to fail and how to avoid implant failure

Elgin Dentist Explains What Causes Dental Implant Failure and How to Avoid It

Elgin dentist Dean Lodding, DDS outlines factors that contribute to a higher risk of implant failure, including infection, bone loss, and smoking. Elgin, IL — Dental implants have become one of the most popular and effective solutions for individuals seeking to restore their smiles and improve oral health. However, like any medical procedure, there is a possibility of complications, and… Continue Reading

Examining teeth

When Does a Tooth Need to Be Extracted?

While we typically do whatever we can to preserve as much of your natural tooth structure as possible, in some cases, extraction is actually the best option for your health and comfort. Our Elgin dentists offer a range of dental care procedures designed to meet your specific needs. For patients experiencing pain or who have severe damage or decay, root… Continue Reading

Woman Smilling

How Can I Maintain the Results of My Smile Makeover?

A smile makeover is a completely customizable, multi-faceted treatment that can transform your smile and provide you with confidence for the future. However, patients sometimes wonder about how to ensure the longevity of their smile makeover results. In order to get the most out of your treatment, there are several things to keep in mind. First, it’s imperative that patients… Continue Reading

Woman Smilling

What Are My Tooth Replacement Options?

A single missing tooth or several missing teeth can have serious effects on dental function, aesthetics, and overall oral health. Fortunately, Dr. Dean Lodding and our team of dentists at Smile for Life Dental offer a full range of restorative dental treatment options that can replace missing teeth with exceptional results. The best option for you will ultimately depend on… Continue Reading

Does Smoking Affect Dental Implants?

Our dentists believe that smoking just before dental implants are placed, and anytime after the procedure, can have a significantly negative effect on a variety of levels. In addition to increasing the risk of infection, smoking may dramatically slow the rate of healing after surgery. Plus, research has shown that there are high implant failure rates among individuals who smoke…. Continue Reading

How Many Dental Implants Will I Need for My Implant Denture?

An implant denture essentially offers patients a hybrid version of dental implants and custom dentures, reaping the benefits of both of these advanced treatments to provide exemplary missing teeth replacement results. Implant dentures do not require a dental implant for each missing tooth; instead, only a select number of implants will be necessary, and these implants will work to provide… Continue Reading

Cosmetic Dentistry: Improving the Quality of Seniors’ Lives

As people get older, there are a number of smile issues that present themselves. Teeth may begin to wear, chip, crack, discolor, stain, experience sensitivity, or need to be removed. However, the fact you’re a senior now certainly does not mean your smile is permanently doomed to a life of damage, stains, or missing teeth. Cosmetic Dentistry and Seniors Seniors… Continue Reading

Dental Implants: Counting the Cost of a Healthy Smile

When it comes to addressing tooth loss, dental implants have grown in popularity over the years. Perhaps, though, there’s one factor that’s holding you back from choosing this highly-effective dental procedure—the cost in comparison to other traditional solutions. The Dental Implant Dilemma A dental implant involves surgically placing a titanium screw in the jawbone, and then attaching a specially designed… Continue Reading

Live A Healthy, Prosperous Life With Dental Implants

Have you ever considered obtaining dental implants, but are hesitant because of false rumors that receiving implants are a painful and difficult process? Put those false rumors aside and consider this life changing treatment under the careful care of Dr. Dean Lodding. Dental implants have exponentially advanced over the years where they acquire a 97-98% success rate. The treatment has… Continue Reading