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How Gum Disease Wreaks Havoc in Your Smile

At Smile for Life Dental, we constantly emphasize the importance of the oral systemic link where your oral health directly correlates with your overall health. Studies have shown that periodontal (gum) disease can lead to severe health conditions, including heart disease, stroke, premature birth, and much more! Now, beating gum disease altogether is becoming possible every day, especially with this… Continue Reading

Need Your Fix in Sweets? Try Paleo Candy Bars!

Experiencing those cravings for a sweet treat? It’s possible to indulge your sweet tooth while not experiencing any guilt with paleo candy bars! This month’s recipe is featuring paleo candy bars on Paleo Plan’s online recipe guide! The Paleo Diet thrives on consuming fresh foods and eliminating processed foods. Of course, keeping a diet would not be worthwhile if we… Continue Reading

How Your Next Dental Visit Could Save Your Life

Are you aware a visit to our dental office could actually help save the life of yourself or a loved one? Our commitment extends beyond helping you achieve healthy teeth and a Hollywood smile. We also take very seriously our obligation to assist you in fighting against the progression of a mostly unseen enemy— oral cancer. The Oral Cancer Foundation reports… Continue Reading

A Healthy Diet Makes Happy Smiles

At <a href="http://www visit this”>Smile for Life Dental, Dr. Dean Lodding doesn’t merely focus on your oral health; he includes your overall health during your dental treatment. Studies have indicated there’s a health connection between the mouth and body where the bacteria from periodontal disease can harm other parts of your body, increasing your risk for serious illnesses including… Continue Reading

Help Your Teeth And Life With This Recipe

You’ve probably heard us rave about Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s discovery of reversing heart disease. After 20 years of research, Dr. Esselstyn proved adapting to a plant-based and oil-free diet can stop and reverse heart disease. With these findings, it’s more important than ever to incorporate vegetables and other nutritious plants into your daily diet and eliminate the need for greasy… Continue Reading

Stay Merry With Your Holiday Smile

Holidays: The time of year to be festive, merry, and indulge in your favorite holiday treats. While we all love the holiday cheeriness from wine and stained food, these items can dull the brightness and damage your smile. Never fear! You can save your smile over the holiday season by following these tips (cited by before checking up with… Continue Reading

Flossing is the new Viagra!

Smile for Life Dental always encourages patients to floss every, single day. However, there is a lot more to flossing than you think. Did you know that flossing will help your sex life? Yes, in Dr. Dan Sindelar’s book Refresh Life: Oral health is the missing piece, adding years to your life, and improving your overall well-being!, he states, “Flossing… Continue Reading

Xylitol’s Role – Protecting Teeth, Naturally

The war against cavities and oral disease has been a constant, ongoing battle. But cavities beware because the tides have turned at Smile For Life Dental in Elgin. Dr. Lodding is offering a natural substance that will increase the strength of your teeth in order to fight off cavity-causing bacteria. This substance is called xylitol, which the American Association for… Continue Reading

Dentist for St Charles IL—Should You Replace Metal Fillings?

Your premier dentist for St. Charles IL can help ensure your smile stays at the top of its game no matter what oral issues may arise. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) reports that 92% of adults 20 to 64 have had dental caries in their permanent teeth. This means that 9 out of 10 people encountered every… Continue Reading